预防犯罪 & 个人安全



The 阿拉莫大学 警察局 was organized and commisioned for the safety and protection of the college community; to insure its orderly day-to-day operation, 提供援助, 提供援助, and maintaine conditions conductive to the pursuit of learning. 

Campus police are on duty twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. They are armed uniformed Police Officers, 在有标志的车辆上, on foot or on bike; they are equipped with two-way radios with interoperablity with the 圣安东尼奥 警察局, 圣安东尼奥消防局/急救中心, 和其他必要的设备,以有效地完成他们的工作. 当我们在寻找可能伤害他人的公开行为时, 我们敦促学生, 教师, 工作人员协助:

  1. 遵守法律法规 
  2. 报告你可能目睹的任何犯罪行为或事件,包括你可能经历的伤害或损失 
  3. Avoiding any unnecessary risk or dangers clude injury

警察局采用24小时调度,能够为学生提供帮助, 对教职员工的态度及时. The emergency dispatch number is 210-485-0911 



What crimes could be committed on campus

  • 犯罪 Against Persons: Rape, Robbery, Assault 
  • 犯罪 Against Property: Burglary of offices,, 建筑, 教室, 实验室, 健身房储物柜, 文件柜, 停车场内车辆 
  • Thefts: Vehicles (includes bikes and motorcycles), 钱包, 钱包, 书, 珠宝, 现金, 信用卡, 大学房地产 
  • 纵火 
  • Criminal Mischief / Criminal Trespass 

澳门新葡京博彩警察部门的官员应该警惕校园内任何可疑人员或活动的存在. Remember that the patrol officer cannot be everywhere at once. Some of the suspicious activities that should be reported on campus are:

  • Any struggle or what appears to be a person being forced into a vehicle 
  • A broken window in a classroom, building, or vehicle 
  • The sound of breaking glass in parking lots 
  • Someone looking inside cars or trying to open car doors 
  • If you observe someone you do not recognize in a sensitive security area
  • A car driving around repeatedly in a parking lot casing out cars 
  • Loitering in or around 建筑 or parking lots 
  • 发生了什么事?
  • 当?
  • 在哪里?
  • 车辆的描述
  • 车辆牌照号码
  • 有关人员描述
  • Your name (not mandatory, but helpful)
  • 你的电话号码和位置

如果警官想要有效地处理这种情况,就必须回答这些问题. 报告事件时, 请不要挂断调度员的电话,直到调度员表示有足够的信息可以传递给现场的警官. 拨回电话号码的原因是在警官提交报告时与你联系以获得进一步的信息.


停放在停车场的车辆很容易成为盗窃、破坏或入室盗窃的目标. To minimize the risk of these crimes:

  • 拆下点火钥匙 
  • 锁好所有的门 
  • 锁好所有窗户 
  • Avoid leaving valuables in the vehicle, 如果你必须的话, lock them in the trunk before departing your home 
  • 使用防盗锁 
  • 考虑安装报警系统 
  • Record serial numbers of all radio, stereo or the other equipment 
  • Report suspicious activity in parking lots 


  • 考虑一下,当你回来的时候天是否黑了,选择一个光线充足、没有人的地方
  • Check for loiters before leaving and when entering
  • Remove keys from the ignition when you leave your car, even for just a minute
  • 锁好车门
  • Have keys ready when returning to your vehicle
  • Check the backseat before getting into your vehicle
  • 永远不要让搭便车的人搭便车
  • 你应该回到你的车停的地方,发现它不见了吗, immediately notify Campus Police to file a report.

犯罪经常成群发生. If you report a crime or the suspicion of a crime you might prevent the next.

当你看到或听到可疑或不寻常的事情时,立即联系警察局. The 警察局 will respond to all reports of suspicious activity. Your call could prevent a crime against a friend, neighbor, or yourself.


To combat unwanted phone calls (obscene, 骚扰, 威胁, etc) the 警察局 offers the following suggestions:

  • Hang up without giving a response or reaction.
  • Report unwanted calls to your phone company
  • Document all unwanted calls as to date, time, nature of call, background noises
  • 不要在电话里提供个人信息(出生日期、社会保险号、信用卡信息)
  • 使用你的答录机筛选电话,并保存不需要的信息作为证据


Anticipate potential risk and take steps to remove or reduce it. Ninety percent of prevention is the public's awareness. At nighttime walk in the company of others. 不要试图穿过黑暗的小巷或有潜在危险的区域. Call the 阿拉莫大学 Police Dispatcher at 210-485-0099. 如果你随身携带公文包、钱包或背包,只带少量现金. Carry your keys, identification, and everything else of value with you. 计划路线.

  • Think first, then take action; remain as calm as possible
  • 远离潜在的威胁
  • Don't be afraid to let the assailant know you recognize the potential threat
  • 加入附近的一群人
  • Go to a well-lit public place and call the police immediately
  • If you see someone else in trouble, call the police
  • 在你避免了威胁或犯罪后,向校园警察局报告事件
  • If you believe a threat is eminent and you can see people nearby; yell, 尖叫, and create a commotion to attract attention and run toward any crowd of people
  • Use route where there will be a lot of people
  • Walk aggressively, briskly and keep going
  • Walk on the side of the street facing oncoming traffic
  • Avoid traveling the same route every day
  • Have your keys to your home/car ready as you approach
  • If you are dropped off, ask the driver to wait until you're safely inside
  • 避免走到车窗前回答车内人员的问题
  • 建议你急着去见一个已经在接你的路上的人
  • If a stranger tries to encourage you in conversation, 在停下来说话之前, glance about to make sure you are not alone - use good judgement
  • Walk in the center of the sidewalk away from the 建筑, 门口, 篱笆, 以及停放的车辆,尤其是那些车内有乘客的车辆
  • 避免突然移动
  • Do exactly what the assailant demands
  • Get a complete description of the assailant without being obvious, including weapon and direction the person/vehicle fled
  • If you believe the assailant is going to kill you no matter what you do, use any defense method you can think of: 尖叫ing, 踢, running; your objective is to get away. In this situation you have nothing to lose. 这是生存的问题.

Rape and sexual assault can occur at any time to anyone regardless of: Age, 性, 外表, 及服装类型. 在一种策略中拯救受害者的防御策略可能会鼓励攻击者采取另一种策略. 如果你受到攻击,你个人必须决定你能够使用什么样的防御手段. 我们建议你参加一些在校园里举办的强奸研讨会,或者参加我们社区举办的研讨会.

如果你是强奸案的受害者性犯罪受害者的身份是绝对保密的. It will be your choice whether or not to file a complaint. The police will do everything possible to assist. 无论你是否想要投诉,通知警察局是很重要的,因为警察可以

  • 提供即时安全
  • 可能会抓到强奸犯
  • Help you get immediate medical attention
  • 帮助你获得咨询
  • 送去医疗机构
  • 除非你使用,否则锁是没用的
  • Keep your office door locked at all times
  • 安装死栓锁
  • 不要离开办公室无人值守
  • Mark all 书, backpacks, cell phones, etc. 有姓名和驾照号码
  • Keep emergency numbers near the phone
  • Lock windows accessible from the outside
  • Do not loan keys to your office, desk and files to anyone
  • Report all stolen 书 to local 书tore, and campus police
  • Guard your personal belongings at all times (珠宝, 钱包, 钱包, etc.)